The Photonis Echo line of tubes distributed by the comany EXOSENS as recently seen some changes in regards to thier minimum specs. The line has been changed to fi the same pattern of the tubes sold in the Europenan market is.
Echo New Minimum Spec have been recently changed and seperated the classic 1600-2000 FOM usual specs in 2 seperate classes: 1400-1800 FOM "commercial" and the new 1800-2200 FOM for the new standard for the Echo line. This applies for the 3 contacts (100K EGAC and 180k EGAC) as well as the 2 contact IITs
The Echo+ line is also leading the pack with now 2200+FOM minimum on all the IIT format mentioned above.
What does that mean for the end users?
For the current Echo tube user this does not change much, as companies like Photonis/Exosens update their product line pretty often over the years. As long as you keep the spec sheet provided with the complete device you purchused you are set to keep your warranty and resale value of your unit in case you choose to do so.
For the new and future buyers this is only good news. This means you have better specs for the same tube line you might be eying for awhile. Weather you were looking at Echo or Echo+ you will be having garranteed better specs for your own device.
When will we see this change in Ready to Ship devices?
Our next shipement is due to arrive by the end of the Summer 2024, the builds made with the tubes will than be posted in the following days of that reception.
If you are curious to see if this is in affect you can look it up here
For more information on how Photonis tubes and how they work follow our Image Intensifier Guide Series.